Christmas 'mobile' - Yarning Made

Christmas 'mobile'


I've seen so many inspirational wire lampshade mobiles on the web I had to create my own. A wintery white one with crochet hearts, flowers, vintage lace and reindeer (the girls tell me he is evil due to his beady red eyes but I am paying no attention whatsoever and think he is very sweet), and my treasured birdy ornaments. Not quite finished but well underway. It is tying in the vintage fabric trees and crocheted ornaments on the wooden tree quite nicely. Oh, and I did get suckered into buying a little 'real' tree, no way were the girls going to be satisfied with the wood one only.... :)


  1. Sweet mobile. Maybe the girls don't know that you get red eyes the "day after" a party...? ;-)

  2. Haha! They are still sweet and innocent and under the assumption only evil things have red eyes. I guess they are only a few short years away from finding out... :) Too funny.
